Miguel Altuna - CMZ

They are the future


Here at CMZ, we are firmly invested in training and bringing on board new talent into the company. In this vein we have decided to do everything in our power to introduce future generations to the world of industry. That is why our diary for these last few months and the coming ones is as full as it is fun. Keeping in mind the importance of shedding light on the day-to-day work of the industry, and awakening STEM vocations, we have got involved as much as possible in the different initiatives proposed.

February: visits, events and fairs

CMZ SeunerThe visits to our plants are one of our favourites. Welcoming future assemblers, metrologists and engineers on our home soil is a great experience. February was very busy. At the beginning of the month we had the Technological Innovation Centres and Companies Presentation Days, at the Faculty of Physics and Electronic Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics. On both days, our colleagues Roberto and Mónica attended with the aim of presenting a slice of CMZ and attracting future employees for our company. They were very enriching sessions that both parties benefited from.

Just before the pandemic broke out, we had the honour of attending the JEPE: the Jobs and Companies Presentation Day at the School of Engineering in Bilbao. The experience was so positive that, as soon as the public health situation allows, and starts back up again, we definitely want to do it again. At CMZ we already have professionals who have started their career with us thanks to that event.

On other occasions it was the schools themselves that hosted us. Judging by the photos from the Miguel Altuna Centre, we literally travelled to another dimension. It is an educational establishment that boasts all the technological advances necessary to provide eminently practical training.

Industry Day

The Industry Day took place as part of the Erronka Industry Programme. On Wednesday the 23rd March this event was held for the third time, with the ultimate aim of introducing students in Biscay to the reality of the sector, thereby making the industry more attractive and fostering interest in STEM vocations. Over the course of the morning 28 educational establishments paid visits to various industrial companies - including CMZ - concluding with a cultural event in the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. During the event there were performances, employee testimonies, speeches from representatives of institutions, and more. Thanks to Monica, we were able to present CMZ to all of the attendees. It was a very interesting and full-on event, with a fun tone.

We are delighted to be part of this set of initiatives. They are the future. We believe in talent as the driver of change. We are looking forward to bringing committed people into our organisation, who are keen to learn. These types of activities make the job much easier. Next stop? We’ll share it here soon 😉