What is Dual Training? CMZ

Our Dual Vocational Training students finish their training period and we welcome the next cohort


The month of June smells of summer. However, for the youngest among us it means the end of the academic year and the start of new challenges. While some students sat the most decisive exam of their life, that familiar university entrance test, thousands of students are starting their career path in industrial companies thanks to Dual Vocational Training. This month the students who have worked in our plants this last year pass the torch onto their successors who are starting their Dual Training CNC lathe manufacturing here at CMZ.

What is Dual Training?

Let's start at the beginning: Dual Vocational Training, also known as FP Dual, is the mode of vocational training whereby the educational establishment and the company both take responsibility for training the apprentice. The student combines their academic studies with a work placement in the company, putting into practice everything they have learnt. The motto is learning through work.

At CMZ we believe that the best way of acquiring skills is to put the theory into practice. For many years, Dual Training has been one of our main assets when it comes to seeking out talent. Our experience has been hugely positive, since this type of formula helps us to attract qualified personnel to our production and assembly lines, who have the specific and necessary training to manufacture CNC lathes. In a sector with such a long tradition as the Machine Tools sector, it is important for the generational succession to happen in a phased and organised way, to maintain the company's know-how. In this respect, the students who decide to carry out their Dual Training at CMZ are supported from the very beginning. Throughout the whole of their work placement in the company they will work side by side with our senior employees who are involved at all times in training our youngest members.

Ease of finding work

Many of our employees join CMZ thanks to the Dual Training scheme, Bruno and Alain being clear examples that the system works and is very rewarding. Without a doubt, combining studies and work from the first year requires a big sacrifice and enormous dedication. The fruits are reaped at the end, since the employability rate for Dual Training students is extremely high, and a large number of them go on to join our workforce at the end of the period.

At CMZ the Dual Training students arrive between the months of May and June and work part time. During the summer period, which coincides with the academic vacation, they increase to full time (except during August, when we halt production).

Everyone's a winner

Nowadays, CNC lathe manufacturers and/or any other companies in the industrial sector are facing the ever more difficult challenge of finding qualified, motivated and eager personnel. The idiosyncrasy of our company makes it the perfect place to obtain the greatest benefit from Dual Vocational Training. It is a pleasure to train these young people, with the help of our most experienced workers. With Dual Vocational Training, everyone's a winner.