

  • 03/05/2019

    #wearecmz: Alain

    Today it is the turn of Alain, one of our most valued Electronic Setup Technician. For us, it truly is a gift to be able to rely on motivated people, who make the project their own and believe in the company. [...]

  • 10/04/2019

    MECSPE 2019 | CMZ Lathes in Parma

    March was the month of trade fairs. And it culminated in a very important event: MECSPE. It’s an unmissable event where our CNC lathes are always present. We think it’s one of the events of the year [...]

  • 05/04/2019

    CMZ | Writing our history

    It’s safe to say that nowadays, CMZ is a renowned manufacturer of CNC lathes. At times we like to stop and take a look back to remember how everything started, see how we got to where we are today and [...]

  • 04/04/2019

    #wearecmz: Mariano

    Working at CMZ It’s something more than being part of one of the leading companies in CNC lathe manufacturing. A priori, the world of machine tooling seems cold, distant, and not focused on people. We [...]

  • 28/03/2019

    Industrie 2019 | CMZ Lathes in France

    This March has been proving to be very busy when it comes to trade fairs: we started off the month with Intec, in Germany, which was followed by Industrie, in France, and we will finish off this week with [...]

  • 26/03/2019

    #wearecmz: Bruno

    As we told you at the beginning of the year, we have launched #wearecmz. We are very clear that behind every machine there are always people, and they are the ones who can best explain what CMZ is and how [...]

  • 01/03/2019

    CNC lathes in Germany CMZ at Intec 2019

    Intec took place between 5th and 7th February 2019. It is a trade fair that we never miss and anyone who is thinking of buying CNC lathes in Germany has the date marked in their diary as an absolutely unmissable [...]

  • 24/01/2019

    We launch #wearecmz

    January is drawing to a close and we don’t want to say goodbye without introducing one of our upcoming annual campaigns, #wearecmz. With this campaign, we want to acknowledge those people who, in one [...]

  • 14/01/2019

    Mecaninor receives the horizontal machining centres acquired by CMZ for Neoprec

    By the end of 2018, we were already anticipating that 2019 would be a year of important changes. We couldn't have got off to a better start, and in the past few days the arrival of our latest machinery [...]

  • 21/12/2018

    2019, we’re awaiting your arrival

    Just days from the end of 2018, it’s time to take a look back at the year. 2018 has given us a lot. It was a year that had its ups and downs, and that has shown us that where there’s a will, there’s [...]

  • 14/12/2018

    CMZ recognized by CEPYME as a leading growing company in 2018

    The Spanish Confederation of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, CEPYME, has recognized the work carried out by CMZ in 2018, through the CEPYME500 initiative. Our company has been awarded and recognized [...]

  • 22/11/2018

    CMZ lancerer ny hjemmeside

    Premiere in CMZ. Through our new website we intend to peek into the digital world to share our latest news. Videos about applications, tutorials, articles of interest, information about the new CMZ Academy [...]

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