In close-up

In close-up


We are very flattered by the coverage and attention that lots of the media have given us. On this occasion, it is our new projects and record turnover that have aroused a lot of interest. We have even saved the front page from some of them.

The 50 news stories of 2021

The business journal Empresa XXI included us in its compilation of good news in 2021. The opening of Neoprec caught its attention, which they mentioned in their special. Without a doubt, Neoprec getting up and running has been a milestone for us. Our aim now is to make sure it reaches cruising speed and starts producing without human intervention.

Historic record

With the end of the year and the analysis of the results, we realised that our hunch was correct and we had indeed exceeded the forecasts. We managed to beat our own record, delivering over 500 machines and turning over €85 million. We'll tell you all about it here. This milestone caught the attention of media outlets such as MetalIndustria, Techmec, Empresa XXI and Estrategia Empresarial, who dedicated their front page to us in one of their March issues.

Success story

In our manufacturing process, every detail is very important. That's why we like to surround ourselves with the best suppliers and the most powerful and robust machines. Zeiss certainly fit the bill. They are the brand that supplies our metrological control machines. The magazine Interempresas published the success story of Zeiss working with our company. One of our managing directors, Iñaki Zumarraga, participated in the article, sharing our experience and explaining how Zeiss's machines fulfil our needs and expectations.

Now we are 100% focused on the projects that will be coming to fruition in the next few months, and we hope they will give us a lot to talk about.